Readme.txt for WinZip compressed file ================================================================= This is an *update to V4.65e* for the International version of the ALES computer program, available via anonymous FTP at the ALES web site: Or, you can follow the ALES link at: There is an English-only version at the same site. Also at that site is the ALES User's Manual as a PDF file. ALES is a MS-DOS program; here we assume you are running it under MS-Windows. ================================================================= Updating an existing installation: The zip file is a compressed version of the updated program and text files, complete with folder structure. It was compressed with WinZip and should be decompressed with this same program, available at and many shareware sites. It does not contain the DTM-PC program nor user evaluations. 0. ALES, with DTM-PC V4, must already be installed in C:\DTM. 1. Unzip the file *using folder names* to C:\ (the root) >> If ALES is installed elsewhere, you will have to modify the file mumps.dbd accordingly after unpacking, as explained in the User's Manual, Chapter 5 2. In a DOS window (or full screen, if you wish): 2.1 >CD c:\dtm 2.2 >ales (or one of the other batch commands) You will not be asked for a PaperKey, since your current one was not moved during this update. ================================================================= Changing the display language: In ALES, select Main Menu Option 2, then Menu 2.1 Option 6