Soil geography and land evaluation

Uffington, England

Soil geographic databases

Land suitability evaluation

Soil survey


Computer programs

  • Automated Land Evaluation System (ALES)

    A computer program that allows land evaluators to build expert systems to evaluate land according to the method presented in the Food and Agriculture Organization’s “Framework for Land Evaluation” (1976) and subsequent Guidelines. Last updated 1996, runs under Microsoft MS-DOS v2.3 or higher, and under MS-DOS emulators.

  • Newhall Simulation Model (NSM)

    Simulates subdivisions of USDA Soil Taxonomy soil moisture & temperature regimes for well-drained soils, from a time-sequence of monthly climate data. These pages also have links to more modern methods.

  • Riha, Susan J., Rossiter, DG, and Simoens, Patrick (1994). GAPS: General-purpose Atmosphere-Plant-Soil Simulator. Version 3.0 User’s Manual. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Department of Soil, Crop & Atmospheric Sciences. 195pp.

    This program has since become a Windows program (sorry I can’t find a link) but this manual explains the principles of the simulation models.

Last modified 06-May-2024