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Remote Sensing







Institute for Resource Information Sciences (IRIS)


Ayers, D., E.Barnaba, S.Hoskins, S.Smith. 1999. The Challenges of Analog to Digital Map Conversion in the Agricultural Districts Mapping Program. Poster session Cornell GIS Conference.

Findlay, S., E.Blair, W.Nieder, E.Barnaba, S.Hoskins 1997. Distribution of Submerged Rooted Vegetation Beds of the Tidal Hudson River. Report to NOAA.

Trautmann, N.M., E.M. Barnaba. Fall 1994. Aerial Photographs: A Useful Monitoring Tool. The Volunteer Monitor, Vol. 6, No. .

Barnaba, E.M., W.R. Philipson, A.W. Ingram and J. Pim. 1991. The Use of Aerial Photographs in County Inventories of Waste-Disposal Sites. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing. October. pp 1289-1296.

Philipson, W.R., E.M.Barnaba, A.W.Ingram and V.L.Williams. 1988. Land-Cover Monitoring with SPOT for Landfill Investigations. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing. February. pp.223-228.

Barnaba, E.M., W.R. Philipson, A.W. Ingram and J. Pim. Countywide Inventory of Waste Disposal Sites: A Case Study of Historic Airphoto Analysis. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, April 2-7, 1989 at Baltimore, MD.

Barnaba, E.M., W. Philipson and A. Ingram. Airphoto Inventory of Active and Inactive Waste Disposal Sites in Suffolk County, New York. Paper presented at the Symposium on Monitoring, Modeling and Mediating Water Quality, American Water Resources Association, May 17-20, 1987 at Syracuse, NY.

Barnaba, E.M. and A. Ingram. The Application of Sequential Aerial Photography to the Identification and Mapping of Closed Landfills, a Case Study in Dutchess County, N.Y. Paper presented at a Northeast Conference, The Impact of Waste Storage and Disposal on Groundwater Resources; the U.S. Geological Survey and Center for Environmental Research, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. 1982.





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New York County
Aerial Photographs Site

New York County
Aerial Photographs Order Form

Agricultural District Mapping Checklist (pdf)

NYS Farmland Protection Agriculture Districts (pdf)

National Wetlands Inventory Maps Order Form (NWI) (pdf)