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Building the New Land Grant College:
Programmatic Opportunities for the College of Agriculture
and Life Sciences in Food Systems for Health
Report of the Deans' Task Force
July 1999
Breeding for Staple Food Crops with High Micronutrient Density
Robin D. Graham and Ross M. Welch
International Food Policy Research Institute
Agriculture Strategies for Micronutrients-Working Paper 3
Sustainable Food System Approaches to Improving Nutrition and Health
Gerald F. Combs, Jr., Ross M. Welch and John M. Duxbury
Agricultural Production and Nutrition, Proceedings of an International Conference,
Boston, MA, March 19-21, 1997
Toward a "Greener" Revolution
Ross M. Welch, Gerald F. Combs, Jr. and John M. Duxbury
Issues in Science and Technology, 1997, Vol. XIV No.1:50-58
Food-Based Approaches to Preventing Micronutrient Malnutrition
An International Research Agenda
G.F. Combs, Jr., R.M. Welch, J. M. Duxbury, N.T. Uphoff and M.C. Nesheim