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ALES Software for Download

  1. Program
    1. NEW installation
    2. UPDATING an existing V4.x installation
  2. Documentation
  3. Source code

New Installation vs. Updating

If you do not have a version of ALES on your computer, simply follow the instructions found in the readme files in or

If you have an existing ALES installation, you can update two ways:

  1. Follow instructions in the readme files found in or
    1. -- OR --
    2. Move the files dtm\eval\eval-gbl.* to a temporary directory; these contain your existing ALES models and data;
    3. Proceed with a 'New' installation;
    4. Over-write the newly-installed dtm\eval\eval-gbl.* with your saved versions.

You should always have backups of your models as .ALS files (F6 from the list of models) anyway.

Author: David G. Rossiter

This page:

Last Updated: 2007_188