Terra Preta de Indio
Biochar Soil Management |
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Host: Cornell University
Layout: V. Jauss
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Media Coverage of our work on Terra Preta and Biochar |
2013, July 1, Cornell Chronicle, “Two student teams win coveted EPA prize", Blaine Friedlander
2010, September 7, Greenwire, “Once-Lowly Charcoal Emerges as 'Major Tool' for Curbing Carbon”, http://www.nytimes.com/gwire/2010/09/07/07greenwire-once-lowly-charcoal-emerges-as-major-tool-for-c-4963.html, Paul Voosen
2010, August, Conservation Magazine, “Black is the New Green”, http://www.conservationmagazine.org/2010/08/black-is-the-new-green/, Carl Zimmer
2010, September 10, Cornell Chronicle, page 3, “Research projects seek to improve soil and plant breeding in Africa”, Krishna Ramanujan
2010, August 12, Science Daily, “Charcoal Takes Some Heat Off Global Warming: Biochar Can Offset 1.8 Billion Metric Tons of Carbon Emissions Annually”, http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/08/100810122030.htm
2010, July 19, Greenrightnow, “Biochar: Panacea or Peril?”, http://www.greenrightnow.com/kabc/2010/07/19/biochar-panacea-or-peril/, Francesca Rheannon
2010, Spring/Summer, Canadian Reclamation, pages 42-45, “Biochar for Soil Reclamation, and More!”, Julie Major and David Hopper
2010, February 11, USA-TODAY, cover story pages 1-2, “Could chicken manure help curb climate change?”, http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/environment/ 2010-02-10-cheap-carbon_N.htm, Brian Winter
2010, January/February, World Watch , pages 24-28, “Recarbonizing the Earth”, www.worldwatch.org, David J. Blaustein
2010, January 24, Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, page 56, “Das Beste vom Amazonas”, Georg Rüschemeyer
2010, January 22, “Charcoal for Climate Change?” PRI’s The World Science, National Public Radio NPR, British Broadcasting Corporation BBC, http://www.world-science.org/podcast/tackling-the-global-organ-shortage-slime-molds-and-solar-eclipse/, Elsa Youngsteadt
2010, February 10 onwards, “Johannes Lehmann on turning waste into a natural resource”, Earth and Sky, National Public Radio NPR, http://www.earthsky.org/interviewpost/agriculture/johannes-lehmann-on-turning-waste-into-a-natural-resource, Lindsay Patterson
2009, October, Farm Journal, page 18, “Black Gold”, Jeanne Bernick
2009, August 27, The Economist, “The virtues of biochar: A new growth industry? Biochar could enrich soils and cut greenhouse gases as well”,
2009, June 26, Der Spiegel, pages 108-109, “Die Schwarze Revolution”, Philip Bethge
2009, May 24, Char Grilled, Australian Broadcasting Corporation ABC, Landline Program, http://www.abc.net.au/landline/content/2008/s2579264.htm, Anne Kruger
2009 May 21, Nature Climate Change, “The bright prospect of biochar”, Kurt Kleiner
2009 May 1, The New York Times, “Biochar: one way to deal with more fire-prone forests”, Jessica Leber
2009 March 11, The Australian, “Carbon hopes push case for charcoal”, Jill Rowbotham
2009 March 4, Yorkshire Post, “Farmers urged to convert their waste”, Chris Benfield
2009, March 1, Financial Times, Life & Arts page 1-2, “Can you dig it?”, Fiona Harvey
2009, March, Geo – das Neue Bild der Erde, page 79, “Ein Formel für die Fruchtbarkeit - Terra Preta Nova”, Lothar Frenz
2009, February 15, DN Vetenskap (Swedish national newspaper), “Den svarta jorden kan rädda klimatet”, Annika Nilsson
2009, February (vol 117, No 2), Environmental Health Perspectives ehp, EnviroNews Innovations, “Biochar:L carbon mitigation from the ground up”, David J. Tenenbaum
2009, February, ChemMatters, pages 7-9, American Chemical Society, “Ancient Soil Chemists of the Amazon”, Mark Michalovic
2009, January, Bestwaytoinvest.com, “Number of U.S. soil science students in decline – even through soil science holds great future, Biopact
2009, January, ECOS, “Amazons’ black magic has multiple benefits”, Evelyn Krull
2009, January 22, Cornell Daily Sun, page , “The Scientist: Johannes Lehmann cooks up solutions to global warming with biochar”, Chris Bentley
2009, January 29, and ongoing, BBC World Service Radio, “Soils”, One Planet Program, http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/programmes/one_planet.shtml, Richard Hollingham and Simon Watts
2009, January/February, Cornell Alumni Magazine, pages 26-28, "Slow Burn - Scientists tap ancient soils to fight climate change", Sharon Tregaskis
2008, December 30, Popular Mechanics, “Can a Kind of Ancient Charcoal put the Breaks on Global Warming?”, Jeremy Jacquot
2008, December 15, Time Magazine, “The Biochar Solution”, page 35, Lisa Abend
2008, December 5, Reuters, „Scientist says ancient technique cuts greenhouse gas“, Gerard Wynn
2008, November/December, Mother Jones, "Going Carbon Negative", Jonathan Schwarz
2008, November 19, National Geographic News, "Superdirt Made Lost Amazon Cities Possible?", John Roach (on TV November 20, 9pm)
2008, September, National Geographic, "Our Good Earth", pages 80-107, Charles Mann
2008, July, Geotimes, “Charcoal: Out of the Grill and into the Ground“, Cassandra Willyard
2008, May 31, Biochar – Black is the new Green, Qirks&Quarks, Canadian Science Radio Show, CBC, Canada, http://www.cbc.ca/quirks/archives/07-08/may31.html#4, Bob McDonald
2008, May 3, New Scientist, „Carbon Lockdown - Burying biomass to fight climate change“, pages 32-35, Richard Lovett
2008, May 1, Discovery Channel, “Charred Earth Examined as Carbon-Storing Option”, Jessica Marshall (http://dsc.discovery.com/news/2008/05/01/carbon-biochar.html)
2008, April 27, The Boston Globe, “The Future of Dirt”, Drake Bennett
2008, February 7, Biochar (30 minutes), Beyond Zero, Melbourne, Australia, Matthew Wright |
2007, September, Forum Geooekologie, volume 18, Issue 2, pages 15-17, "Biochar for mitigating climate change: carbon sequestration in the black", Johannes Lehmann.
2007 September 1, Environmental Science and Technology, volume 41, pages 5932-5933, "Rethinking Biochar", Rebecca Renner
2007 Sept-Oct, Yoga+Joyful Living, "The Good Black Magic that can Save the Earth: Terra Preta", Kelpie Wilson
2007, August 23, Catalyst, Radio Programm of the ABC, Mark Horstman (audio and transcripts)
2007 June 21, Scitizen, "Environmentally friendly bioenergy", Johannes Lehmann
2007 May 21, Toronto Star, "Biochar turns a negative positive", Tyler Hamilton (pdf here)
2007 May 17, Cornell Chronicle, page 7, "Simpler way to counter global warming explained: Lock up carbon in soil and use bioenergy exhaust gases for energy", Susan Lang
2007 May 15, Scientific American.com, "Special Report: Inspired by Ancient Amazonians, a Plan to Convert Trash into Environmental Treasure", Anne Casselman (pdf of the webpage)
Coverage of the IAI Conference in April/May 2007:
2007 Spring, PM Magazine, Germany, pages 64-67, "Wer hat hier einst gelebt", Lucien Haas
2007 April, Discover Magazine, USA, pages 68-73, "Black Gold of the Amazon", Michael Tennesen.
2006 November, Permaculture Magazine, UK , Volume 50, pages 41-43, “The Magical Soils of El Dorado”, Karen Carmichael-Timson
2006 November/December, Solar Today, “Positive Charcoal = Negative Carbon?”, Ronal Larson
Coverage of the WCSS Meeting in July 2006:
2006 August 10, Sequestration News Feature in Nature, Volume 442, pages 624-626, “Black is the New Green”, featured in the magazine Nature, Emma Marris
2006 August 18, Biopact, “ Terra preta: how biofuels can become carbon-negative and save the planet “
Coverage of the AAAS Meeting in January 2006:
Science Update - mp3 | article
The Inoculated Mind Radio UC Davis - mp3
Print & Online:
Cornell Chronicle - press release
NBC - article
NewsWise - article
Science News - pdf
Sonntagszeitung (Switzerland), 03-12-2006 - pdf
BioScience, April 2006, Vol 56, page 368 - pdf
The Star - article
Chemistry World - article
YubaNet - article
Fox News - article
Innovations Report - article
Live Science - article
Planet Save - article
Folha Online - article
Ciencia Online - article
Caracol Noticias - article
Die Welt - article | pdf
NewsWise - article
Life Science - article
2004 September 9, “Clean Air Has Ancient Roots”, featured in Wired News, John Gartner
Coverage of the Terra Preta Meeting in July 2002:
2002, August 9, Science, "The forgotten people of Amazonia", Science 297, page 921, Charles Mann
2002, August 9, Science, "The real dirt on rainforest fertility", Science 297, page 920-923, Charles Mann
The Atlantic Monthly: http://www.theatlantic.com/issues/2002/03/mann.htm
BBC World Service Brazil Edition: http://www.bbc.co.uk/portuguese/ciencia/story/2004/01/040106_terrapretaml.shtml
National Public Radio, Earth and Sky: http://www.earthsky.com/shows/edgeshow.php?t=20030304
German Television ZDF: http://www.zdf.de/ZDFde/inhalt/17/0,1872,2064657,00.html
Abenteuer Wissen: http://www.zdf.de/ZDFde/inhalt/24/0,1872,2063896,00.html
The New Farm: http://www.newfarm.org/news/041803/drdon_soil_p3.shtml
AgroAmazonia: http://www.revistaagroamazonia.com.br/10pesquisa-02.htm
Terra Green - New to Save the Earth: http://www.teriin.org/terragreen/issue52/facts.htm |