Terra Preta de Indio
Biochar Soil Management |
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Del Valle I, Webster TM, Cheng H-Y, Thies JE, Kessler A, Miller MK, Ball ZT, MacKenzie KR, Masiello CA, Silberg JJ, Lehmann J 2020 Soil organic matter attenuates the effiacy of flavonoid-based plant-microbe communication. Science Advances 6, eaax8254 (supporting online material)
Kamau S, Barrios E, Karanja NK, Ayuke FO, Lehmann J 2020 Short-term casting activity of earthworm Pontoscolex corethrurus (Oligochaeta: Glossoscolecidae) after biochar additions. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 143, 107736 (supporting online material)
Ye L, Camps-Arbestain M, Shen Q, Lehmann J, Singh B, Sabir M 2020 Biochar effects on crop yields with and without fertilizer: A meta-analysis of field studies using separate controls. Soil Use and Management 36, 2-18 (supporting online material)
Bradford MA, Carey CJ, Atwood L, Bossio D, Fenichel EP, Gennet S, Fargione J, Fisher JRB, Fuller E, Kane DA, Lehmann J, Oldfield EE, Ordway EM, Rudek J, Sanderman J, Wood SA 2019. Soil carbon science for policy and practice. Nature Sustainability 2, 1070-1072
Comstock J, Sherpa S, Ferguson R, Bailey S, Beem-Miller J, Lin F, Lehmann J, Wolfe D 2019 Carbonate determination in soils by mid-IR spectroscopy with regional and continental scale models. PLOS One 14, e0210235
Das S, Richards B, Hanley K, Krounbi L, Walter MF, Walter MT, Steenhuis T and Lehmann J 2019 Lower mineralizability of soil carbon with higher legacy soil moisture.Soil Biology and Biochemistry 130, 94-104. (supporting online material)
Fiorentino N, Sanchez-Monedero MA, Lehmann J, Enders A, Fagnano M and Cayuela ML 2019 Interactive priming of soil N transformations from combining biochar and urea inputs: A 15N isotope tracer study. Soil Biology and BioChemistry 131, 166-175 (supporting online material)
Fungo B, Chen Z, Butterbach-Bahl K, Lehmann J, Saiz G, Braojos V, Kolar A, Rittl T, Tenywa M, Kalbitz K, Neufeldt H and Dannenmann M 2019 Nitrogen turnover and N2O/N2 ratio of three contrasting tropical soils amended with biochar. Geoderma 348, 12-20.
Fungo B, Lehmann J, Kalbitz K, Thiongo M, Tenywa M, Okeyo I, Neufeldt H 2019 Ammonia and nitrous oxide emissions from a field Ulitsol amended with tithonia green manure, urea, and biochar. Biology and Fertility of Soils 55, 135-148 (supporting online material)
Gannett M, Pritts M and Lehmann J 2019 Soil amendments affect soil health indicators and crop yield in perennial strawberry. HortTechnology 29,179-188
Guerena DT, Lehmann J, Thies J, Vanek S, Karanja N and Neufeldt H 2019 Nodulation of beans with inoculant carriers from pyrolyzed and non-pyrolyzed sugarcane bagasse in response to different pre-planting water availability. Applied Soil Ecology 143, 126-133 (supporting online material)
Hestrin R, Hammer E, Mueller C and Lehmann J 2019 Synergies between mychorrhizal fungi and soil microbial communities increase plant nitrogen acquisition. Communications Biology 2, 233 (supporting online material)
Hestrin R, Torres D, Dynes J, Hook J, Regier T, Gillespie A, Smernik R and Lehmann J 2019 Fire-derived organic matter retains ammonia through covalent bond formation. Nature Communications 10, 664.
Inagaki T, Mueller C, Lehmann J, Kogel-Knabner I 2019 Andosol clay re-aggregation observed at the microscale during physical organic matter fractionation. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 182, 145-148.
Kleber M and Lehmann J 2019 Humic Substances Extracted by Alkali Are Invalid Proxies for the Dynamics and Functions of Organic Matter in Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecosystems. Journal of Environmental Quality 48, 207-2016.
Kleber M and Lehmann J 2019 Reply to "Comment on 'Humic Substances Extracted by Alkali Are Invalid Proxies for the Dynamics and Functions of Organic Matter in Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecosystems', by Kleber and Lehmann (2019)" Journal of Environmental Quality, Letters to the Editor 48, 790-791.
Krounbi L, Enders A, van Es H, Woolf D, van herzen B and Lehmann J 2019 Biological and thermochemical conversion of human solid waste to soil amendments. Waste Management 89, 366-378 (supporting online material)
Lehmann, J 2019 Science-to-action through global and regional biochar networks. Biochar 1, 337.
Lehmann J and Gaskins B 2019 Lack of Promoting Linkages Between Scientific Cretivity and The Arts. Scientific Journal of Research and Reviews 1(4).
Lehmann J and Gaskins B 2019 Learning Scientific Creativity from The Arts. Palgrave Communications 5, 96.
Liu C, Chuang Y, Li H, Boyd S, Teppen B, Gonzalez J, Johnston C, Lehmann J and Zhang W 2019 Long-term sorption of lincomycin to biochars: The intertwined roles of pore diffusion and dissolved organic carbon. Water Research 161, 108-118 (supporting online material)
Rechberger M, Kloss S, Wang SL, Lehmann J, Rennhofer H, Ottner F, Wriessnig K, Daudin G, Lichtenegger H, Soja G and Zehetner F 2019 Enhanced Cu and Cd sorption after soil aging of woodchip-derived biochar: What were the driving factors? Chemosphere 216, 463-471.
Rillig M, Bonneval K and Lehmann J 2019 Sounds of Soil: A New World of Interactions under Our Feet? Soil Systems 3, 45.
Torres-Rojas D, Deng L, Shannon L, Fisher EM, Joseph S and Lehmann J 2019 Carbon and nitrogen emissions rates and heat transfer of an indirect pyrolysis biomass cookstove. Biomass and Bioenergy 127, 105279 (supporting online material)
Vermeulen S, Bossio D, Lehmann J, Luu P, Paustian K, Webb C, Auge F, Bacudo I, Baedeker T, Havemann T, Jones C, King R, Reddy M, Sunga I, Von Unger M and Warnken M 2019 A global agenda for collective action on soil carbon. Nature Sustainability 2, 2-4.
Woolf D and Lehmann J 2019 Microbial models with minimal mineral protection can explain long-term soil organic persistence. Scientific Reports 9, 6522 (supporting online material)
Caruso T, DeVries FT, Bardgett RD and Lehmann J 2018 Soil organic carbon dynamics matching ecological equilibrium theory. Ecology and Evolution 8, 11169-11178. (supporting online material)
Dai Z, Enders A, Rodrigues JLM, Hanley K, Brookes P, Xu J and Lehamnn J 2018 Soil fungal taxonomic and functional community composition as affected by biochar properties. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 126, 159-167. (supporting online material)
DeCiucies S, Whitman T, Woolf D, Enders A and Lehmann J 2018 Priming mechanisms with additions of pyrogenic organic matter to soil. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (Science Direct) 238, 329-342. (supporting online material)
Krounbi L, vanEs H, Karanja N and Lehmann J 2018 Nitrogen and Phosphorous Availability of Biologically and Thermochemically Decomposed Human Wastes and Urine in Soils with Different Texture and pH. Soil Science 183, No 2, 51-65. (supporting online material)
Lal R, Smith P, Jungkunst H, Mitsch W, Lehmann J, Nair PKR, McBratney A, Moraes Sa JC, Schneider J, Zinn Y, Skorupa A, Zhang HL, Minasny B, Srinivasrao C and Ravindranath N 2018 The carbon sequestration potential of terrestrial ecosystems. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 73, 145A-152A.
Woolf D, Solomon D and Lehmann J 2018 Land restoration in food security programmes: synergies with climate change mitigation. Climate Policy 18, 1260-1270. (supporting online material)
Ahmed Z, Woodbury P, Sanderman J, Hawke B, Jauss V, Solomon D, Lehmann J 2017 Assessing soil carbon vulnerability in the Western USA by geospatial modeling of pyrogenic and particulate carbon stocks. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 122, 354-369. (supporting online information)
Chabbi A, Lehmann J, Ciasis P, Loescher HW, Cotrufo MF, Don A, SanClements M, Schipper L, Six J, Smith P and Rumpel C 2017 Aligning agriculture and climate policy. Nature Climate Change 7, 307-309.
Dai Z, Webster T, Enders A, Hanley K, Xu J, Thies J, Lehmann J 2017 DNA extraction efficiency from soil as affected by pyrolysis temperature and extractable organic carbon of high-ash biochar Soil Biology & Biochemistry 115, 129-136. (supporting online information)
Fungo B, Lehmann J, Kalbitz K, Tenywa M, Thiongo M, Neufeldt H 2017 Emissions intensity and carbon stocks of a tropical Ultisol after amendment with Tithonia green manure, urea and biochar Field Crops Research 209, 179-188.
Fungo B, Lehmann J, Kalbitz K, Thiongo M, Okeyo I, Tenywa M, Neufeldt H 2017 Aggregate size distribution in a biochar-amended tropical Ultisol under conventional hand-hoe tillage Soil & Tillage Research 165, 190-197.
Jauss V, Sullivan P, Sanderman J, Smith D, Lehmann J 2017 Pyrogenic carbon distribution in mineral topsoils of the northeastern United States Geoderma 296, 69-78. (supporting online information)
Kamau S, Barrios E, Karanja N, Ayuke F, Lehmann J 2017 Soil macrofauna adundance under dominant tree species increases along a soil degradation gradient Soil Biology & Biochemistry 112, 35-46.
Kamau S, Barrios E, Karanja N, Ayuke F, Lehmann J 2017 Spatial variation of soil macrofauna and nutrients in tropical agricultural systems influenced by historical charcoal production in South Nandi, Kenya. Applied Soil Ecology 119, 286-293.
Sun T, Levin B, Guzman J, Enders A, Muller D, Angenent L and Lehmann J 2017 Rapid electron transfer by the carbon matrix in natural pyrogenic carbon. Nature Communications 8, 14873. (supporting online information)
Fungo B, Lehmann J, Kalbitz K, Thiongo M, Okeyo I, Tenywa M and Neufeldt H 2016 Aggregate size distribution in a biochar-amended tropical Ultisol under conventional hand-hoe tillage. Soil & Tillage Research 165 (2017) 190-197.
Guerena D, Kimetu J, Riha S, Neufeldt H and Lehmann J 2016 Maize productivity dynamics in response to mineral nutrient additions and legacy organic soil inputs of contrasting quality. Field Crops Research188, 113-120. (supporting online information)
Liu C, Chuang Y, Li H, Teppen B, Boyd S, Gonzalez J, Johnston C, Lehmann J and Zhang W 2016 Sorption of Lincomycin by Manure-Derived Biochars from Water. Journal of Environmental Quality 45, 519-527. (supporting online information)
Paustian K, Lehmann J, Ogle S, Reay D, Robertson G and Smith P 2016 Climate-smart soils. Nature 532, 49-57.
Solomon D, Lehmann J, Fraser J, Leach M, Amanor K, Frausin V, Kristiansen S, Millimouno D and Fairhead J 2016 Indigenous African soil enrichment as a climate-smart sustainable agriculture alternative. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 14(2), 71-76.
Turner B, Condron L, France C, Lehmann J, Solomon D, Peltzer D and Richardson S 2016 Sulfur dynamics during long term ecosystem development. Biogeochemistry 128, 281-305.
Vanek S, Theis J, Wang B, Hanley K, Lehmann J 2016 Pore-siza and water activity effects on survival of Rhizobium tropici in biochar inoculant carriers. Journal of Microbial & Biochemical Technology 8 (4) 296-306.
Wang B, Lehmann J, Hanley K, Hestrin R and Enders A 2016 Ammonium retention by oxidized biochars produced at different pyrolysis temperatures and residence times. RSC Advances 6, 41907-41913.
Whitman T, Pepe-Ranney C, Enders A, Koechli C, Campbell A, Buckley D, Lehmann J 2016 Dynamics of microbial community composition and soil organic carbon mineralization in soil following addition of pyrogenic and fresh organic matter. The ISME Journal 10, 2918-2930. (supporting online information)
Woo S, Enders A and Lehmann J 2016 Microbial mineralization of pyrogenic organic matter in different mineral systems. Organic Geochemistry 98, 18-26. (supporting online information)
Woolf D, Lehmann J, Lee D 2016 Optimal bioenergy power generation for climate change mitigation with or without carbon sequestration. Nature Communications 7, 13160. (supporting online information)
Zwesloot M, Lehmann J, Bauerle T, Vanek S, Hestrin R, Nigussie A 2016 Phosphorous availability from bone char in a P-fixing soil influenced by root-mycorrhizae-biochar interactions. Plant & Soil 408, 95-105. (supporting online information) Springer Online
Ballantine K, Lehmann J, Schneider R and Groffman P 2015 Trade-offs between soil-based functions in wetlands restored with soil amendments of differing lability. Ecological Applications 25(1), 215-225.
Bationo A, Lamers J and Lehmann J 2015 Recent achievement of sustainable soil management in Sub-Saharan Africa. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 102, 1-3.
Bayabil H, Stoof C, Lehmann J, Yitaferu B and Steenhuis T 2015 Assessing the potential of biochar and charcoal to improve soil hydraulic properties in the humid Ethiopian Highlands: The Anjeni watershed. Geoderma 243-244, 115-123.
Dharmakeerthi S, Hanley K, Whitman T, Woolf D and Lehmann J 2015 Organic carbon dynamics in soils with pyrogenic organic matter that received plant residue additons over seven years. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 88, 268-274. (supporting online information)
Domene X, Enders A, Hanley K and Lehmann J 2015 Ecotoxicological chracterization of biochars: Role of feedstock and pyrolysis temperature. Science of the Total Environment 512-513, 552-561. (supporting online information)
Domene X, Hanley K, Enders A and Lehmann J 2015 Short-term mesofauna responses to soil additions of corn stover biochar and the role of microbial biomass. Applied Soil Ecology 89, 10-17.
Foereid B, Lehmann J, Wurster C and Bird M 2015 Presence of Black Carbon in Soil due to Forest Fire in New Jersey Pine Barrens. Journal of Earth Science and Engineering 5, 91-97.
Guerena D, Lehmann J, Thies J, Enders A, Karanja N and Neufeldt H 2015 Partitioning the contributions of biochar properties to enhanced biological nitrogen fixation in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris). Biology and Fertility of Soils 51, 478-491. (supporting online information)
Guerena D, Lehmann J, Walter T, Enders A, Neufeldt H, Odiwour H, Biwott H, Recha J, Shepherd K, Barrios E and Wurster C 2015 Terrestrial pyrogenic carbon export to fluvial ecosystems: Lessons learned from the White Nile watershed of East Africa. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 29, GB005095 (supporting online information)
Jauss V, Johnson M, Krull E, Daub M, Lehmann J 2015 Pyrogenic carbon controls across a soil catena in the Pacific Northwest. Catena 124, 53-59.
Kloss S, Zehetner F, Buecker J, Oburger E, Wenzel W, Enders A, Lehmann J and Soja G 2015 Trace element biogeochemistry in the soil-water-plant system of a temperate agricultural soil amended with different biochars. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 22, 4513-4526.
Lehmann J, Kuzyakov Y, Pan G, Ok YS 2015 Biochars and the plant-soil interface. Plant and Soil 395, 1-5.
Lehmann J and Kleber M 2015 The contentious nature of soil organic matter. Nature 528, 60-68.
Morales V, Perez-Reche F, Hapca S, Hanley K, Lehmann J and Zhang W 2015 Reverse engineering of biochar. Bioresource Technology 183, 163-174. (supporting online information)
Vanek S and Lehmann J W 2015 Phosphorous availability to beans via interactions between mycorrhizas and biochar. Plant and Soil 395, 105-123. (supporting online information)
Wang B, Lehmann J, Hanley K, Hestrin R and Enders A 2015 Adsorption and desorption of ammonium by maple wood biochar as a function of oxidation and pH. Chemosphere 138, 120-126. (supporting online information)
Whitman T and Lehmann J 2015 A dual-isotope approach to allow conclusive partitioning between three sources. Nature Communications 6, 8708. (supporting online information)
Zwetsloot M, Lehmann J and Solomon D 2015 Recycling slaughterhouse waste into fertilizer: how do pyrolysis temperature and biomass additions affect phosphorous availability and chemistry? Journal of the Science of Food andAgriculture 95, 281-288. (supporting online information)
Abiven S, Schmidt MWI and Lehmann J 2014 Biochar by design. Nature Geoscience 7, 326-327. (correspondence)
Ballantine K, Groffman P, Lehmann J, Schneider R 2014 Stimulating Nitrate Removal Processes of Restored Wetlands. Environmental Science and Technology 48, 7365-7373.
Cheng C, Lin T, Lehmann J, Fang L, Yang Y, Menyailo O, Chang K and Lai J 2014 Sorption properties for black carbon (wood char) after long term exposure in soils. Organic Geochemistry 70, 53-61.
Delwiche K, Lehmann J and Walter T 2014 Atrazine leaching from biochar-amended soils. Chemosphere 95,346-352.
Domene X, Mattana S, Hanley K, Enders A and Lehmann J 2014 Medium-term effects of corn biochar addition on soil biota activities and functions in a temperate soil cropped to corn. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 72,152-162. (supporting online information)
Foereid B, Ward DS, Mahowald N, Peterson E and Lehmann J 2014 The sensitivity of carbon turnover in the Community Land Model to modified assumptions about soil processes. Earth System Dynamics 5, 211-221.
Fungo B, Guerena D, Thiongo M, Lehmann J, Neufeldt H and Kalbitz K 2014 N2O and CH4 emission from soil amended with steam-activated biochar. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 177, 34-38.
Heymann K, Lehmann J, Solomon D, Liang B, Neves E and Wirick S 2014 Can functional group composition of alkaline isolates from black carbon-rich soils be identified on a sub-100 nm scale? Geoderma 235-236, 163-169.
Lehmann J and Rillig M 2014 Distinguishing variability from uncertainty. Nature Climate Change 4, 153. (commentary)
McBeath AV, Smernik RJ, Krull ES and Lehmann J 2014 The influence of feedstock and production on biochar carbon chemistry: A solid-state 13C NMR study. Biomass and Bioenergy 60,12-129.
Shabangu S, Woolf D, Fisher E, Angenent LT and Lehmann J 2014 Techno-economic assessment of biomass slow pyrolysis into different biochar and methanol concepts. Fuel 117,742-748.
Simons A, Solomon D, Chibssa W, Blalock G and Lehmann J 2014 FIlling the phosphorous fertilizer gap in developing countries. Nature Geoscience 7, 3. (correspondence)
Whitman T, Enders A and Lehmann J 2014 Pyrogenic carbon additions to soil counteract positive priming of soil carbon mineralization by plants. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 73, 33-41. (supporting online information)
Whitman T, Zihua Z and Lehmann J 2014 Carbon Mineralizability Determines Interactive Effects on Mineralization of Pyrogenic Organic Matter and Soil Organic Carbon. Environmental Science and Technology 48, 13727-13734. (supporting online information)
Woolf D, Lehmann J, Fisher E and Angenent L 2014 Biofuels from Pyrolysis in Perspective: Trade-offs between Energy Yields and Soil-Carbon Additions. Environmental Science and Technology 48, 6492-6499. (supporting online information)
Zhao M, Enders, A and Lehmann J 2014 Short- and long-term flammability of biochars. Biomass and Bioenergy 69, 183-191. (supporting online information)
Atucha A, Merwin IA, Brown MG, Gardiazabal F, Mena F, Adriazola C and Lehmann J 2013 Soil erosion, runoff and nutrient losses in an avocado (Persea americana Mill) hillside orchard under different groundcover management systems. Plant and Soil368, 397-406.
Cayuela ML, Monedero M, Roig A, Hanley K, Enders A, Lehmann J 2013 Biochar and denitrification in soils: when, how much and why does biochar reduce N2O emissions? Scientific Reports 3,1732. (supporting online information)
Chanie T, Collick A, Adgo E, Lehmann J, Steenhuis T 2013 Eco-hydrological impacts of Eucalyptus in the semi humid Ethiopian Highlands: the Lake Tana Plain. Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics 61,1,21-29
Churka Blum S, Lehmann J, Solomon D, Favero Caires E, Alleoni L 2013 Sulfur forms in organic substrates affecting S mineralization in soil. Geoderma 200-201: 156-164
Gatere L, Lehmann J, DeGloria S, Hobbs P, Delve R and Travis A 2013 One size does not fit all: Conservation farming success in Africa more dependent on management than on location. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 179, 200-207 (supporting online information)
Guerena D, Lehmann J, Hanley K, Enders A, Hyland C and Riha S 2013 Nitrogen dynamics following field application of biochar in a temperate North American maize-based production system. Plant and Soil 365: 239-254. (supporting online information)
Hollister C, Bisogni J, Lehmann J 2013 Ammonium, Nitrate, and Phosphate Sorption to and Solute Leaching from Biochars Prepared from Corn Stove (Zea mays L.) and Oak Wood (Quercus spp.). Journal of Environmental Quality 42:137-144.
Josko I, Oleszczuk P, Pranagal J, Lehmann J, Xing BS and Cornelissen G 2013 Effect of biochars, activated carbon and multiwalled carbon nanotubes on phytotoxicity of sediment contaminated by inorganic and organic pollutants. Ecological Engineering 60:50-59.
Koch A, McBratney A, Adams M, Field D, Hill R, Crawford J, Minasny B, Lal R, Abbott L, O'Donnell A, Angers D, Baldock J, Barbier E, Binkley D, Parton W, Wall DH, Bird M, Bouma J, Chenu C, Blora CB, Goulding K, Brunwald S, Hempel J, Jastrow J, Lehmann J, Lorenz K, Morgan CL, Rice CW, Whitehead D, Young I and Zimmerman M 2013 Soil Security: Solving the global soil crisis. Global Policy 4, 434-441.
Liang B, Wang CH, Solomon D, Kinyangi J, Luizao F, Wirick S, Skjemstad J, Lehmann J 2013 Oxidation is Key for Black Carbon Surface Functionality and Nutrient Retention in Amazon Anthrosols. British Journal of Environment & Climate Change 3(1): 9-23. (supporting online information)
Lehmann J 2013 Recycle waste for nourishing soils. Nature 504, 33. (commentary)
Recha JW, Lehmann J, Walter MT, Pell A, Verchot L and Johnson M 2013 Stream water nutrient and organic carbon exports from tropical headwater catchments at a soil degradation gradient. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 95, 145-158.
Stockmann U, Adam M, Crawford J, Field D, Henakaarchchi N, Jenkins M, Minasny B, McBratney A, Courcelles V, Singh K, Wheeler I, Abbott L, Angers D, Baldock J, Bird M, Brookes P, Chenu C, Jastrow J, Lal R, Lehmann J, O'Donnel A, Parton W, Whitehead D, Zimmerman M 2013 The knowns, known unknowns and unknowns of sequestration of soil organic carbon. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 164: 80-99.
Whitman T, Hanley K, Enders A and Lehmann J 2013 Predicting pyrogenic organic matter mineralization from its initial properties and implications for carbon management. Organic Geochemistry 64, 76-83.
Ballantine K, Schneider R, Groffman P, Lehmann J 2012 Soil Properties and Vegetative Development in Four Restored Freshwater Depressional Wetlands. Soil Science Society of America Journal 76:1482-1495.
Chia CH, Munroe P, Joseph SD, Lin Y, Lehmann J, Muller DA, Xin HL, Neves E 2012 Analytical electron microscopy of black carbon and microaggregated mineral matter in Amazonian dark Earth. Journal of Microscopy 245:129-139.
Enders A, Lehmann J 2012 Comparison of Wet-Digestion and Dry-Ashing Methods for total Elemental Analysis of Biochar. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 43:1042-1052.
Enders A, Hanley K, Whitman T, Joseph S, Lehmann J 2012 Characterization of biochars to evaluate recalcitrance and agronomic performance. Bioresource Technology114:644-653. (supporting online information)
Hale S, Lehmann J, Rutherford D, Zimmerman A, Bachmann R, Shitumbanuma V, O'Toole A, Sundqvist K, Arp HP, Cornelissen G 2012 Quantifying the Total and Bioavailable Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Dioxins in Biochars. Environmental Science and Technology 46:2830-2838. (supporting online information)
Major J, Rondon M, Molina D, Riha S, Lehmann J 2012 Nutrient Leaching in a Savanna Oxisol Amended with Biochar. Journal of Environmental Quality 41:1076-1086. (supporting online information)
Lehmann J 2012 Keeping Carbon Down. Carbon Management 3:21-22.
Mao JD, Johnson RL, Lehmann J, Olk DC, Neves EG, Thompson ML, Schmidt-Rohr K 2012 Abundant and Stable Char Residues in Soils: Implications for Soil Fertility and Carbon Sequestration. Environmental Science and Technology 46:9571-9576. (supporting online information) |
Markewich HA, Pell AN, Mbugua DM, Cherney D, vanEs HM, Lehmann J 2012 The Effects of Some External Management Factors on the Nitrogen Composition of Cattle Manure on Smallholder Farms. International Journal of Agronomy 2012:437354.
Oleszczuk P, Rycaj M, Lehmann J, Cornelissen G 2012 Influence of activated carbon and biochar on phytotoxicity of air-dried sewage sludges to Lepidium sativum. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 80:321326.
Oleszczuk P, Hale S, Lehmann J, Cornelissen G 2012 Activated carbon and biochar amendments decrease pore-water concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in sewage sludge. Bioresource Technology 111: 8491. (supporting online information)
Rajkovich S, Enders A, Hanley K, Hyland C, Zimmerman A, Lehmann J 2012 Corn growth and nitrogen nutrition after additions of biochars with varying properties to a temperate soil. Biology and Fertlity of Soils 48: 271-284. (supporting online information)
Sachs J, Remans R, Smukler S, Winowiecki L, Andelman S, Cassman K, Castle D, DeFries R, Denning G, Fanzo J, Jackson L, Leemans R, Lehmann J, Milder J, Naeem S, Nziguheba G, Plam C, Pingali P, Reganold J, Richter D, Scherr S, Sircely J, Sullivan C, Tomich T, Sanchez P 2012 Effective monitoring of agriculture: a response. Journal of Environmental Monitoring 14:738-742.
Solomon D, Lehmann J, Harden J, Wang J, Kinyangi J, Heymann K, Karunakaran C, Lu Y, Wirick S, Jacobsen C 2012 Micro- and nano-environments of carbon sequestration: Multi-element STXM-NEXAFS spectromicroscopy assessment of microbial carbon and mineral associations. Chemical Geology 329:53-73.
Solomon D, Lehmann J, Wang J, Kinyangi J, Heymann K, Lu Y, Wirick S, Jacobsen C 2012 Micro- and nano-environments of C sequestration in soil: A multi-elemental STXM-NEXAFS assessment of black C and organomineral associations. Science of the Total Environment 438:372-388.
Stephens E, Nicholson C, Brown D, Parsons D, Barrett C, Lehmann J, Mgua D, Ngoze S, Pell A, Riha S 2012 Modelling the impact of natural resource-based poverty traps on food security in Kenya: The Crops, Livestock and Soils in Small holder Economic Systems (CLASSES) model. Food Security 4:423-439.
Woolf D, Lehmann J 2012 Modelling the long-term response to positive and negative priming of soil organic carbon by black carbon. Biogeochemistry 111: 8395.
Chen X, Chen G, Chen L, Chen Y, Lehmann J, McBride M, Hay A 2011 Adsorption of coper and zinc by biochars produced from pyrolysis of hardwod and corn straw in aqueous solution. Bioresource Technology 102: 88778894.
Cowie AL, Penman TD, Gorissen L, Winslow MD, Lehmann J, Tyrell TD, Twomlow S, Wilkes A, Lal R, Jones JW, Paulsch A, Kellner K, Akhtar-Schuster M 2011 Towards Sustainable Land Management in the Drylands: Scientific Connections in Monitoring and Assessing Dryland Degradation, Climate Change and Biodiversity. Land Degradation and Development 22:248–260.
Foreid B, Lehmann J, Major J 2011 Modeling black carbon degradation and movement in soil. Plant and Soil 345:223-236.
Fraser J, Teixeira W, Falcao N, Woods W, Lehmann J, Junqueira A 2011 Anthropogenic soils in the Central Amazon: from categories to a continuum. Area 43.3:264-273.
Hale S, Hanley K, Lehmann J, Zimmerman A, Cornelissen G 2011 Effects of Chemical, Biological, and Physical Aging As Well As Soil Addition on the Sorption of Pyrene to Activated Carbon and Biochar. Environmental Science and Technology 45:10445-10453.
Heymann K, Lehmann J, Solomon D, Schmidt M, Regier T 2011 C 1s K-edge near edge X-ray adsorption fine structure (NEXAFS) spectroscopy for characterizing functional group chemistry of black carbon. Organic Geochemistry 42:1055-1064.
Johnson MS, Couto EG, Abdo M and Lehmann J 2011 Fluorescence index as an indicator of dissolved organic carbon quality in hydrologic flowpaths of forested tropical watersheds. Biogeochemistry 105:149-157.
Lehmann J, Rillig M, Thies J, Masiello C, Hockaday W, Crowley D 2011 Biochar effects on soil biota-A review. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 43:1812-1836.
Lewis D, Bell S, Fay J, Bothi K, Gatere L, Kabila M, Mukamba M, Matokwani E, Mushimbalume M, Moraru C, Lehmann J, Lassoie J, Wolfe D, Lee D, Buck L, Travis A 2011 Community Markets for Conservation (COMACO) links biodiversity conservation with sustainable improvements in livelihoods and food production. PNAS 108:13957-13962.
Milne AE, Lehmann J, Solomon D, Lark RM 2011 Wavelet analysis of soil variation at nanometre- to micrometre-scales: an example of organic carbon content in a micro-aggregate. European Journal of Soil Science 62:617-628. |
Moebius-Clune BN, van Es HM, Idowu OJ, Schindelbeck RR, Kimetu JM, Ngoze S, Lehmann J, Kinyangi JM 2011 Long-term soil quality degradation along a cultivation chronosequence in Western Kenya. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 141:86-99.
Neill C, Chaves J, Biggs T, Deegan L, Elsenbeer H, Figueiredo R, Germer S, Johnson M, Lehmann J, Markewitz D, Piccolo M 2011 Runoff sources and land cover change in the Amazon: an end-member mixing analysis from small watersheds. Biogeochemistry 105:7-18.
Schmidt M, Torn M, Abiven S, Dittmar T, Guggenberger G, Janssens I, Kleber M, Kogel-Knabner I, Lehmann J, Manning D, Nannipieri P, Rasse D, Weiner S, Trumbore S 2011 Persistence of soil organic matter as an ecosystem property. Nature 478:49-56.
Schneider M, Lehmann J, Schmidt M 2011 Charcoal quality does not change over a century in a tropical agro-ecosystem. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 43:1992-1994.
Solomon D, Lehmann J, Knoth de Zarruk K, Dathe J, Kinyangi J, Liang B, and Machado S 2011 Speciation and long- and short-term molecular-level dynamics of soil organic sulfur studied by X-ray absorption near-edge structure spectroscopy. Journal of Environmental Quality, published online.
Torres-Rojas D, Lehmann J, Hobbs P, Joseph S, Neufeldt H 2011 Biomass availability , energy consumption and biochar production in rural households of Western Kenya. Biomass and Bioenergy 35: 3537-3546. (supporting online information)
Whitman T, and Lehmann J 2011 Systematic under- and overestimation of GHG reductions in renewable biomass systems. Climatic Change 104, 415-422. |
Whitman T, Nicholson CF, Torres D, Lehmann J 2011 Climate change impact of biochar cook stoves in Western Kenyan farm households: System dynamics model analysis. Environmental Science and Technology 45:3687-3694. (supporting online information) |
Feldpausch T, Couto EG, Rodrigues LC, Pauletto D, Johnson MS, Fahey TJ, Lehmann J and Riha SJ 2010 Nitrogen aboveground turnover and soil stocks to 8 m depth in primary and disturbed forest following selective logging in southern Amazonia. Global Change Biology 16: 17931805. |
Grossman J, O’Neill BE, McPhillips L, Tsai SM, Liang B, Neves, E, Lehmann J, Thies JE 2010 Amazonian anthrosols support similar microbial communities that differ distinctly from those extant in adjacent, unmodified soils of the same mineralogy. Microbial Ecology 60, 192-205. |
Joseph SD, Camps-Arbestain M, Lin Y, Munroe P, Chia CH, Hook J, van Zwieten L, Kimber S, Cowie A, Singh BP, Lehmann J, Foidl N, Smernik RJ, and Amonette JE 2010 An investigation into the reactions of biochar in soil. Australian Journal of Soil Research 48: 501–515. (supporting online information) |
Kimetu JM and Lehmann J 2010 Stability and stabilization of biochar and green manure in soil with different organic carbon contents. Australian Journal of Soil Research 48: 577–585. (supporting online information) |
Liang B, Lehmann J, Sohi SP, Thies JE, O’Neill B, Trujillo L, Gaunt J, Solomon D, Grossman J, Neves EG and Luizão FJ 2010 Black carbon affects the cycling of non-black carbon in soil. Organic Geochemistry 41: 206–213. |
Major J, Rondon M, Molina D, Riha S and Lehmann J 2010 Maize yield and nutrition during 4 years after biochar application to a Colombian savanna oxisol. Plant and Soil 333: 117-128. |
Major J, Lehmann J, Rondon M and Goodale C 2010 Fate of soil-applied black carbon: downward migration, leaching and soil respiration. Global Change Biology 16: 1366-1379. |
Markewich HA, Pell AN, Mbugua Dm, Cherney DJR, van Es HM, Lehmann J and Robertson JB 2010 Effects of storage methods on chemical composition of manure and manure decomposition in soil in small-scale Kenyan systems. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 139, 134-141. |
Nguyen B, Lehmann J, Hockaday WC, Joseph S and Masiello C 2010 Temperature sensitivity of black carbon decomposition and oxidation. Environmental Science and Technology 44, 3324–3331. (supporting online information) |
Roberts K, Gloy B, Joseph S, Scott N and Lehmann J 2010 Life cycle assessment of biochar systems: Estimating the energetic, economic and climate change potential. Environmental Science and Technology 44: 827–833. (supporting online information) |
Sachs J, Remans R, Smuckler S, Winowiecki L, Andelman SJ, Cassman KG, Castle D, DeFries R, Denning G, Fanzo J, Jackson LE, Leemans R, Lehmann J, Milder JC, Naeem S, Nziguheba G, Palm CA, Pingali PL, Reganold JP, Richter DD, Scherr SJ, Sircely J, Sullivan C, Tomich TP and Sanchez PA 2010 Monitoring the world’s agriculture. Nature 466: 558-560. |
Woolf D, Amonette JE, Street-Perrott FA, Lehmann J and Joseph S 2010 Sustainable biochar to mitigate global climate change. Nature Communications 1: 56. (supporting online information) |
Whitman T, Scholz S and Lehmann J 2010 Biochar projects for mitigating climate change: an investigation of critical methodology issues for carbon accounting. Carbon Management 1: 89-107. |
Zhang W, Niu J, Morales VL, Chen X, Hay AG, Lehmann J and Steenhuis TS 2010 Transport and retention of biochar particles in porous media: effect of pH, ionic strength, and particle size. Ecohydrology 3, 497–508. |
Ackerman I, Constantino R, Gauch H, Lehmann J, Riha S and Fernandes E 2009 Termite (Insecta: Isoptera) species composition in a primary rain forest and agroforests in central Amazonia. Biotropica 41: 226-233. |
Cheng CH and Lehmann J 2009 Ageing of black carbon along a temperature gradient. Chemosphere 75: 1021-1027. |
Harawa R, Lehmann J, Kroma M, Akinnifesi F, Sileshi G, Fernandes ECM and Kanyama-Phiri G 2009 Nutrient balances in two agricultural watersheds in southern Malawi. Agricultural Journal 4: 150-160. |
Kimetu JM, Lehmann J, Kinyangi JM, Cheng CH, Thies J, Mugendi DN and Pell A 2009 Soil organic C stabilization and thresholds in C saturation. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 41: 2100–2104. |
Laird D, Brown RC, Amonette JE and Lehmann J 2009 Review of the pyrolysis platform for coproducing bio-oil and biochar. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining3:547–562. |
Lehmann J 2009 Biological carbon sequestration must and can be win-win approaches. Climatic Change 97: 459-463. |
Nguyen B and Lehmann J 2009 Black carbon decomposition under varying water regimes. Organic Geochemistry 40: 846-853. |
O’Neill B, Grossman J, Tsai MT, Gomes JE, Lehmann J, Peterson J, Neves E and Thies JE 2009 Bacterial community composition in Brazilian Anthrosols and adjacent soils characterized using culturing and molecular identification. Microbial Ecology 58: 23–35. |
Sato S, Neves EG, Solomon D, Liang B and Lehmann J 2009 Biogenic calcium phosphate transformation in soils over millennium time scales. Journal of Soils and Sediments 9: 194-205. |
Solomon D, Lehmann J, Kinyangi J, Liang B, Hanley K, Heymann K, Wirick S and Jacobsen C 2009 Carbon (1s) NEXAFS spectroscopy of biogeochemically relevant organic reference compounds. Soil Science Society of America Journal 73:1817-1830. |
Solomon D, Lehmann J, Kinyangi J, Pell A, Theis J, Riha S, Ngoze S, Amelung W, du Preez C, Machado S, Ellert B and Janzen H 2009 Anthropogenic and climate influences on biogeochemical dynamics and molecular-level speciation of sulfur in temperate, subtropical and subhumid tropical ecosystems. Ecological Applications 19: 989-1002. |
Whitman T and Lehmann J 2009 Biochar – one way forward for soil carbon in offset mechanisms in Africa? Environmental, Science and Policy 12: 1024-1027. |
Cheng CH, Lehmann J, Thies JE and Burton S 2008 Stability of black carbon in soils across a climatic gradient. Journal of Geophysical Research (Biogeosciences) 113, G02027. |
Cheng CH, Lehmann J and Engelhard M 2008 Natural oxidation of black carbon in soils: changes in molecular form and surface charge along a climosequence. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 72, 1598-1610. |
Gaunt J and Lehmann J 2008 Energy balance and emissions associated with biochar sequestration and pyrolysis bioenergy production. Environmental Science and Technology 42: 4152-4158. (supplementary online information) |
Johnson MS, Lehmann J and Couto EG 2008 A simple, direct method to measure dissolved CO2 using soda lime. Oecologia Brasileira 12: 85-91. |
Johnson MS, Lehmann J, Riha SJ, Krusche AV, Richey JE, Ometto JPHB and Couto EG 2008 CO2 efflux from Amazonian headwater streams represents a significant fate for deep soil respiration. Geophysical Research Letter 35: L17401. |
Kimetu J, Lehmann HJ, Ngoze S, Mugendi D, Kinyangi J, Riha S, Verchot L, Recha J and Pell A 2008 Reversibility of soil productivity decline with organic matter of differing quality along a degradation gradient. Ecosystems 11: 726-739. |
Lehmann J and Sohi S 2008 Comment on “Fire-Derived Charcoal Causes Loss of Forest Humus”. Science 321: 1295. |
Lehmann J, Skjemstad JO, Sohi S, Carter J, Barson M, Falloon P, Coleman K, Woodbury P and Krull E 2008 Australian climate-carbon cycle feedback reduced by soil black carbon. Nature Geoscience 1: 832–835. (supplementary online information) |
Lehmann J, Solomon D, Zhao, F-J and McGrath S 2008 Atmospheric SO2 Emissions since the late 1800s change organic sulfur forms in humic substance extracts of soils. Environmental Science and Technology42: 3550-3555. |
Lehmann J, Solomon D, Kinyangi J, Dathe L, Wirick S, and Jacobsen C 2008 Spatial complexity of soil organic matter forms at nanometre scales. Nature Geoscience 1, 238-242. (supplementary online information) |
Liang B, Lehmann J, Solomon D, Sohi S, Thies JE, Skjemstad JO, Luizão FJ, Engelhard MH, Neves EG and Wirick S 2008 Stability of biomass-derived black carbon in soils. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 72, 6096-6078. |
Ngoze S, Riha S, Lehmann J, Kinyangi J, Verchot L, Mbugua D and Pell A 2008 Nutrient constraints to tropical agroecosystem productivity in long-term degrading soils. Global Change Biology 14: 2810-2822. |
Nguyen B, Lehmann J, Kinyangi J, Smernik R, Riha, SJ and Engelhard MH 2008 Long-term black carbon dynamics in cultivated soil. Biogeochemistry 89: 295-308. |
Smith LL, DiTommaso A, Lehmann J and Greipsson S 2008 Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on the exotic invasive vine pale swallow-wort (Vincetoxicum rossicum). Invasive Plant Science and Management 1: 142-152. |
Soethe N, Lehmann J and Engels C 2008 Nutrient availability at different altitudes in a tropical montane forest in Ecuador. Journal of Tropical Ecology 24: 397-406. |
Steiner C, Glaser B, Teixeira WG, Lehmann J, Blum WEH and Zech W 2008 Nitrogen retention and plant uptake on a highly weathered central Amazonian Ferralsol amended with compost and charcoal. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 171: 893-899. |
Ackerman IL , Teixeira WG, Riha SJ, Lehmann J and Fernandes ECM 2007 The impact of mound-building termites on surface soil properties in a secondary forest in Central Amazonia. Applied Soil Ecology 37: 267-276. |
Filho JPN, Couto EG, de Oliveira VA, Johnson MS, Lehmann J and Riha S 2007 Variabilidade espacial de atributos fisicos de solo usada na identificacao de classes pedologicas de microbasias na Amazonia Meridional. Revista Brasileira de Ciencia do Solo 31: 91-100. |
Filho JPN, Selva EC, Couto EG, Lehmann J, Johnson MS and Riha SJ 2007 Distribuição espacial de carbono em solo sob floresta primária na Amazônia Meridional (Spatial distribution of soil carbon under primary forest cover in southern Amazônia). Revista Árvore (Tree Journal) 31 : 83-92. |
Johnson MS, Pell AN, Woodbury PB and Lehmann J 2007 Land use change and stream water fluxes: Decadal dynamics in watershed nitrate loadings. Ecosystems 10, 1182-1196 . |
Johnson MS, Weiler M, Couto EG, Riha S and Lehmann J 2007 Storm pulses of dissolved CO 2 in a forested headwater Amazonian stream explored using hydrograph separation. Water Resources Research 43, WR11201. |
Lehmann, J 2007 A handful of carbon. Nature 447, 143-144. (editor-reviewed Commentary) |
Lehmann J 2007 Bio-energy in the black. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 5, 381-387 DOI10.1890060133. |
Lehmann J, Kinyangi J and Solomon D 2007 Organic matter stabilization in soil microaggregates: implications from spatial heterogeneity of organic carbon contents and carbon forms. Biogeochemistry 85: 45-57. |
Rondon M, Lehmann J, Ramírez J and Hurtado M 2007 Biological nitrogen fixation by common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) increases with bio-char additions. Biology and Fertility in Soils 43: 699-708. |
Schrumpf M, Axmacher JC, Zech W, Lehmann J and Lyaruu HVC 2007 Long-term effects of rainforest disturbance on the nutrient composition of throughfall, organic layer percolate and soil solution at Mt. Kilimanjaro. Science of the Total Environment 376: 241-254. |
Schwendener CM, Lehmann J, Rondon M, Wandelli EV and Fernandes ECM 2007 Soil mineral N dynamics beneath mixtures of leaves from legume and fruit trees in Central Amazonian multi-strata agroforests. Acta Amazonica 37: 313-320. |
Selva EC, Couto ED, Johnson MS and Lehmann J 2007 Litterfall production and fluvial export in headwater catchments of the southern Amazon. Journal of Tropical Ecology 23: 329-335. |
Solomon D, Lehmann J, Kinyangi J, Amelung W, Lobe I, Ngoze S, Riha S, Pell A, Verchot L, Mbugua D, Skjemstad J and Schäfer T 2007 Long-term impacts of anthropogenic perturbations on the dynamics and molecular speciation of organic carbon in tropical forest and subtropical grassland ecosystems. Global Change Biology 13: 511-530. DOI 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2006.01304.x. |
Soethe N, Lehmann J and Engels C 2007 Root tapering between branching points should be included in fractal root system analysis. Ecological Modeling 207: 363-366. |
Soethe N, Lehmann J and Engels C 2007 Carbon and nutrient stocks in roots of forests at different altitudes in the Ecuadorian Andes. Journal of Tropical Ecology 23: 319-328. |
Solomon D, Lehmann J, Thies J, Schäfer T, Liang B, Kinyangi J, Neves E, Petersen J, Luizão F and Skjemstad J 2007 Molecular signature and sources of biochemical recalcitrance of organic C in Amazonian Dark Earths. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 71, 2285-2298. |
Steiner C, Teixeira WG, Lehmann J, Nehls T, Macedo JLV, Blum WEH and Zech W 2007 Long term effects of manure, charcoal and mineral fertilization on crop production and fertility on a highly weathered Central Amazonian upland soil. Plant and Soil 291: 275-290 . |
Warnock DD, Lehmann J, Kuyper TW and Rillig MC 2007 Mycorrhizal responses to biochar in soil – concepts and mechanisms. Plant and Soil 300, 9-20. |
Cheng CH, Lehmann J, Thies JE, Burton SD and Engelhard MH 2006 Oxidation of black carbon by biotic and abiotic processes. Organic Geochemistry 37: 1477-1488. |
Feldpausch TR, McDonald AJ, Passos CAM, Lehmann J and Riha S 2006 Biomass variation, harvestable area, and forest structure estimated from commercial timber inventories and remotely sensed imagery in southern Amazonia. Forest Ecology and Management 233: 121-132. |
Harawa R, Lehmann J, Akinnifesi F, Fernandes ECM and Kanyama-Phiri G 2006 Nitrogen dynamics in maize-based agroforestry systems as affected by landscape position in southern Malawi. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 75: 271-284. |
Johnson MS and Lehmann J 2006 Stemflow and root-induced preferential flow: the double-funneling of trees. Ecoscience 13: 324-333. |
Johnson MS, Lehmann J, Couto EG, Novaes-Filho JP and Riha S 2006 DOC and DIC in flowpaths of Amazonian headwater catchments with hydrologically contrasting soils. Biogeochemistry 81: 45-57. |
Johnson MS, Lehmann J, Selva EC, Abdo M, Riha S and Couto EG 2006 Organic carbon fluxes within and streamwater exports from headwater catchments in the southern Amazon. Hydrological Processes 20: 2599-2614. |
Kinyangi J, Solomon D, Liang B, Lerotic M, Wirick S and Lehmann S 2006 Nanoscale biogeocomplexity of the organo-mineral assemblage in soil: application of STXM microscopy and C 1s-NEXAFS spectroscopy. Soil Science Society of America Journal 70: 1708-1718. |
Kuzcak CN, Fernandes ECM, Lehmann J, Rondon M and Luizão FJ 2006 Inorganic and organic phosphorus pools in earthworm casts (Glossoscolecidae) and a Brazilian rainforest Oxisol. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 38: 553-560. |
Lehmann J, Gaunt J and Rondon M 2006 Bio-char sequestration in terrestrial ecosystems – a review. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 11: 403-427. DOI: 10.1007/s11027-005-9006-5. |
Liang B, Lehmann J, Solomon D, Kinyangi J, Grossman J, O'Neill B, Skjemstad JO, Thies J, Luizão FJ, Petersen J and Neves EG 2006 Black carbon increases cation exchange capacity in soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal 70: 1719-1730. |
Neill C, Elsenbeer H, Krusche AV, Lehmann J, Markewitz D and Figueiredo RO 2006 Hydrological and biogeochemical processes in a changing Amazon: results from small watershed studies and the large-scale biosphere-atmosphere experiment. Hydrological Processes 20: 2467-2476. |
Schrumpf M, Zech W, Lehmann J and Lyaruu HVC 2006 TOC, TON, TOS and TOP
in rainfall, throughfall, litter percolate and soil solution of a
montane rainforest succession at Mt. Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. Biogeochemistry 78: 361-387. |
Smith LL, DiTommaso A, Lehmann J and Greipsson S 2006 Growth and reproductive potential of the invasive exotic vine Vincetoxicum rossicum in Northern New York State. Canadian Journal of Botany 84: 1771-1780. |
Soethe N, Lehmann J and Engels C 2006 Root morphology and anchorage of six native tree species from a tropical montane forest and an elfin forest in Ecuador. Plant and Soil 279: 173-185. |
Wang J, Solomon D, Zhang X, Lehmann J and Amelung W 2006 Organic sulfur forms in soils of the Great Plains of North America. Geoderma 133: 160-172. |
Zhao FJ, Lehmann J, Solomon D, Fox MA and McGrath SP 2006 Sulphur speciation and turnover in soils: evidence from sulphur K-edge XANES spectroscopy and isotope dilution studies. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 38: 1000-1007. |
Johnson MS, Lehmann J, Steenhuis TS, Oliveira LV, and Fernandes ECM 2005 Spatial and temporal variability of soil water repellency of Amazonian pastures. Australian Journal of Soil Research 43, 319-326. |
Lehmann J, Lan Z, Hyland C, Sato S, Solomon D, and Ketterings Q 2005 Long-term dynamics of phosphorus forms and retention in manure-amended soils. Environmental Science and Technology 39: 6672-6680. |
Lehmann J, Liang B, Solomon D, Lerotic M, Luizão F, Kinyangi F, Schäfer T, Wirick S, and Jacobsen C 2005 Near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) spectroscopy for mapping nano-scale distribution of organic carbon forms in soil: application to black carbon particles. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 19: GB1013. DOI 10.1029/2004GB002435 |
Major J, Steiner C, DiTommaso A, Falcão NPS and Lehmann J 2005 Weed composition and cover after three years of soil fertility management in the central Brazilian Amazon: compost, fertilizer, manure and charcoal applications. Weed Biology and Management 5: 69-76. |
Major J, DiTommaso A, Lehmann J and Falcão NPS 2005 Weed dynamics on Amazonian Dark Earth and adjacent soils of Brazil. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 111: 1-12. |
Sato S, Solomon D, Hyland C, Ketterings QM and Lehmann J 2005 Phosphorus speciation in manure and manure-amended soils using XANES spectroscopy. Environmental Science and Technology 39: 7485-7491. |
Schwendener CM, Lehmann J, Camargo PB, Luizão RCC and Fernandes ECM 2005 Nitrogen transfer between high- and low-quality leaves on a nutrient-poor Oxisol determined by 15N enrichment. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 37: 787-794. |
Solomon D, Lehmann J, Lobe I, Martinez CE, Tveitnes S, Du Preez CC and Amelung W 2005 Sulphur speciation and biogeochemical cycling in long-term arable cropping of subtropical soils: evidence from wet-chemical reduction and S K-edge XANES spectroscopy. European Journal of Soil Science 56: 621-634. DOI 10.1111/j.1365-2389.2005.00702.x. |
Solomon D, Lehmann J, Kinyangi J, Liang B and Schäfer T 2005 Carbon K-edge NEXAFS and FTIR-ATR Spectroscopic Investigation of Organic Carbon Speciation in Soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal 69, 107-119. |
Lehmann J, Lilienfein J, Rebel K, Lima SdC and Wilcke W 2004 Subsoil retention of organic and inorganic nitrogen in a Brazilian savanna Oxisol. Soil Use and Management 20: 163-172. |
Renck A and Lehmann J 2004 Rapid water flow and transport of inorganic and organic nitrogen in a highly aggregated tropical soil. Soil Science 169: 330-341. |
Dinkelmeyer H, Lehmann J, Renck A, Trujillo L, da Silva JP, Gebauer G and Kaiser K 2003 Nitrogen uptake from 15N-enriched fertilizer by four tree crops in an Amazonian agroforest. Agroforestry Systems 57: 213-224. |
Kreibich H, Lehmann J, Scheufele G and Kern J 2003 Nitrogen availability and leaching during the terrestrial phase in a várzea forest of the Central Amazon floodplain. Biology and Fertility of Soils 39: 62-64. |
Lehmann J 2003 Subsoil root activity in tree-based cropping systems. Plant and Soil 255: 319-331. |
Lehmann J, da Silva Jr. JP, Steiner C, Nehls T, Zech W and Glaser B 2003 Nutrient availability and leaching in an archaeological Anthrosol and a Ferralsol of the Central Amazon basin: fertilizer, manure and charcoal amendments. Plant and Soil 249: 343-357. |
Menyailo OV, Hungate BA, Lehmann J, Gebauer G and Zech W 2003 Tree species of the central Amazon and soil moisture alter stable isotope composition of nitrogen and oxygen in nitrous oxide evolved from soil. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 39: 41-52. |
Menyailo OV, Lehmann J, Cravo MS and Zech W 2003 Soil microbial activities in tree-based systems and natural forests of the Central Amazon, Brazil. Biology and Fertility of Soils 38: 1-9. |
Solomon D, Lehmann J and Martinez CE 2003 Sulfur K-edge XANES spectroscopy as a tool for understanding sulfur dynamics in soil organic matter. Soil Science Society of America Journal 67: 1721-1731. |
Trujillo LC, Lehmann J, Cravo MS, Atroch AL and Filho FJN 2003 Fertilization and cover crop effects on soil nitrogen and plant nutrition in a young guarana plantation. Acta Amazonica 33: 535-548. |
Glaser B, Lehmann J, and Zech W 2002 Ameliorating physical and chemical properties of highly weathered soils in the tropics with charcoal - a review. Biology and Fertility of Soils: 35: 219-230. |
Lehmann J, Gebauer G and Zech W 2002 Nitrogen cycling assessment in a hedgerow intercropping system using 15N enrichment. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 62: 1-9. |
Solomon D, Fritzsche F, Mamo T, Lehmann J and Zech W 2002 Soil organic matter in the subhumid Ethiopian highlands as influenced by deforestation and agricultural management. Soil Science Society of America Journal 66: 68-82. |
Solomon D, Fritzsche F, Lehmann J, Mamo T and Zech W 2002 Soil organic matter dynamics in the subhumid agroecosystems of the Ethiopian highlands: evidence from natural 13C abundance and particle size fractionation. Soil Science Society of America Journal 66: 969-978. |
Solomon D, Lehmann J, Mamo T, Fritzsche F and Zech W 2002 Phosphorus forms and dynamics as influenced by land use in the subhumid Ethiopian highlands. Geoderma 105: 21-48. |
Glaser B, Lehmann J, Führböter M, Solomon D and Zech W 2001 Carbon and nitrogen mineralization in cultivated and natural savanna soils in Northern Tanzania. Biology and Fertility of Soils 33: 301-309 |
Lehmann J and Muraoka T 2001 Tracer methods to assess nutrient uptake distribution in multistrata agroforestry systems. Agroforestry Systems 53: 133-140. |
Lehmann J, Cravo MS and Zech W 2001 Organic matter stabilization in a Xanthic Ferralsol of the central Amazon as affected by single trees: chemical characterization of density, aggregate and particle size fractions. Geoderma 99: 147-168. |
Lehmann J, Cravo MS, Macedo JLV, Moreira A and Schroth G 2001 Phosphorus management for perennial crops in central Amazonian upland soils. Plant and Soil 237: 309-319. |
Lehmann J, Günther D, Mota MS, Almeida M, Zech W and Kaiser K 2001 Inorganic and organic soil phosphorous and sulfur pools in an Amazonian multistrata agroforestry system. Agroforestry Systems 53: 113-124. |
Lehmann J, Kaiser K and Peter I 2001 Exchange resin cores for the estimation of nutrient fluxes in highly permeable tropical soil. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 164: 57-64. |
Lehmann J, Muraoka T and Zech W 2001 Root activity patterns in an Amazonian agroforest with fruit trees determined by 32P, 33P and 15N applications. Agroforestry Systems 52: 185-197. |
Schroth G, Lehmann J, Barros E, Rodrigues MRL and Macedo JLV 2001 Plant-soil interactions in multistrata agroforestry in the humid tropics. Agroforestry Systems 53: 85-102. |
Solomon D, Lehmann J and Zech W 2001 Land use effects on amino sugar signatures of chromic Luvisols in the semiarid tropics. Biology and Fertility of Soils 33: 33-40. |
Solomon D, Lehmann J, Mamo T and Zech W 2001 Sulfur fractions in particle-size separates of the subhumid Ethiopian highlands as influenced by land use changes. Geoderma 102: 41-59. |
Droppelmann KJ, Lehmann J, Ephrat JE and Berliner PR 2000 Water use efficiency and uptake patterns in a runoff agroforestry system in an arid environment. Agroforestry Systems 49: 223-243. |
Lehmann J, da Silva Jr. JP, Schroth G, Gebauer G and da Silva LF 2000 Nitrogen use in mixed tree crop plantations with a legume cover crop. Plant and Soil 225: 63-72. |
Peter I and Lehmann J 2000 Pruning effects on root distribution and nutrient dynamics in an acacia hedgerow planting. Agroforestry Systems 50: 59-75. |
Solomon D, Lehmann J and Zech W 2000 Land use effects on soil organic matter properties of chromic Luvisols in the semiarid tropics: Carbon, nitrogen, lignin and carbohydrates. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 78: 203-213. |
Solomon D and Lehmann J 2000 Loss of phosphorus from soil in semiarid northern Tanzania as a result of cropping: evidence from sequential extraction and 31P NMR spectroscopy. European Journal of Soil Science 51: 699-708. |
1999 and prior
Lehmann J, Feilner T, Gebauer G and Zech W 1999 Nitrogen uptake of sorghum from tree mulch and chemical fertilizer under high leaching conditions estimated by 15N enrichment. Biology and Fertility of Soils 30: 90-95. |
Lehmann J, Weigl D, Droppelmann K, Huwe B and Zech W 1999 Nutrient cycling in agroforestry with runoff irrigation. Agroforestry Systems 43: 49-70. and In Agroforestry for Sustainable Land-use: Fundamental Research and Modelling, with Emphasis on Temperate and Mediterranean Applications. D Auclair and C Dupraz (Eds.). p 49-70 |
Lehmann J, Weigl D, Peter I, Droppelmann K, Gebauer G, Goldbach H and Zech W 1999 Nutrient interactions of alley-cropped Sorghum bicolor and Acacia saligna in a runoff irrigation system in Northern Kenya. Plant and Soil 210: 249-262. |
Wulf S, Lehmann J and Zech W 1999 Emissions of nitrous oxide from runoff-irrigated and rainfed soils in semiarid north-west Kenya. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 72, 201-205. |
Lehmann J and Zech W 1998 Fine root turnover of hedgerow intercropping in Northern Kenya. Plant and Soil 198: 19-31. |
Lehmann J, Droppelmann K and Zech W 1998 Runoff irrigation of crops with contrasting root and shoot development in the semi-arid North of Kenya: water depletion and above- and below-ground biomass production. Journal of Arid Environments 38: 479-492. |
Lehmann J, Peter I, Steglich C, Gebauer G, Huwe B and Zech W 1998 Below-ground interactions in dryland agroforestry. Forest Ecology and Management 111: 157-169. |
Lehmann J, Poidy N, Schroth G and Zech W 1998 Short-term effects of soil amendment with legume tree biomass on carbon and nitrogen in particle size fractions in central Togo. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 30: 1545-1552. |
Zech W, Kaiser K, Wilcke W, Lehmann J, and Huwe B 1998 Off-site impacts and nutrient dynamics in catchment research. In FWT Penning de Vries, F Agus, J Kerr (eds.) Soil Erosion at Multiple Scales. CAB International, Wallingford. pp 193-206. |
Lehmann J, Kόper U and Zech W 1997 Organic matter properties of soils with varying land use in a semiarid tropical environment. In J Drozd, SS Gonet, N Senesi, J Weber (eds.) The Role of Humic Substances in the Ecosystems and Environment Protection. Polish Society of Humic Substances, Wroclaw, Poland. pp 399-406. |
Lehmann J, von Willert F, Wulf S and Zech W 1997 Influence of runoff irrigation on nitrogen dynamics of Sorghum bicolor (L.) in Northern Kenya. Advances in Geoecology 31: 1255-1260. |
Zech W, Senesi N, Guggenberger G, Kaiser K, Lehmann J, Miano TM, Miltner A and Schroth G 1997 Factors controlling humification and mineralization of soil organic matter in the tropics. Geoderma 79: 117-161. |
Lehmann J, Schroth G and Zech W 1995 Decomposition and nutrient release from leaves, twigs and roots of three alley-cropped tree legumes in central Togo. Agroforestry Systems 29: 21-36. (abstract only) |
Schroth G and Lehmann J 1995 Contrasting effects of roots and mulch from three agroforestry tree species on yields of alley-cropped maize. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 54: 89-101. |
Lehmann J and Danzer J 1992 Soil evaluation on the Western slopes of Jebel Mara, Darfur, Sudan with special reference to plantation forestry and agroforestry. Applied Geography and Development 40: 89-111. |
Book Chapters |
Woolf D, Lehmann J, Cowie A, Cayuela ML, Whitman T and Sohi S 2018 Biochar for Climate Change Mitigation-Navigating from Science to Evidence-Based Policy. Advances in Soil Science: Soil and Climate, (Ed. Lal, R.). Springer. |
Lehmann J and Solomon D 2010 Organic carbon chemistry in soils observed by synchrotron-based spectroscopy. In B Singh and M Gräfe (eds) Synchroton-based Techniques in Soils and Sediment. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 289-312. |
Luizão FJ, Fearnside PM, Cerri CEP and Lehmann J 2010 The maintenance of soil fertility in Amazonian managed systems. In: Keller M, Bustamante M, Gash J and Dias PS (eds.), Amazonia and Global Change, Geophysical Monographs 186, American Geophysical Union, Washington DC. pp. 311-336. |
Joseph S, Peacocke C, Lehmann J and Munroe P 2009 Developing a biochar classification and test methods. In: Lehmann J and Joseph S (eds.) Biochar for Environmental Management: Science and Technology. Earthscan Publ., London, pp. 107-126. |
Lehmann J 2009 Terra Preta de Indio. In: Lal R (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Soil Science, Second Edition, Taylor and Francis, New York, 1: 1, 1-4. |
Lehmann J 2009 Terra Preta Nova - Where to from here? In: Woods WI, Teixeira WG, Lehmann J, Steiner C, WinklerPrins A and Rebellato L (Eds.) Amazonian Dark Earths: Wim Sombroek’s Vision, Springer, Berlin, pp 473-486. |
Lehmann J and Solomon D 2009 Organic carbon chemistry in soils observed by synchrotron-based spectroscopy. In B Singh and M Gräfe (eds) Synchroton-based Techniques in Soils and Sediment. Elsevier, Amsterdam, in press. |
Lehmann J and Joseph S 2009 Biochar for environmental management: an introduction. In: Lehmann J and Joseph S (eds.) Biochar for Environmental Management: Science and Technology. Earthscan Publ., London, pp. 1-12 |
Lehmann J, Brandes J, Fleckenstein H, Jacobsen C, Solomon D and Thieme J 2009 Synchrotron-based near-edge X-ray Spectroscopy of natural organic matter in soils and sediments. In N Senesi, P Xing and PM Huang (eds) Biophysico-Chemical Processes Involving Natural Nonliving Organic Matter in Environmental Systems. IUPAC Series on Biophysico-Chemical Processes in Environmental Systems. Wiley, NJ, pp. 729-781. (print proofs) |
Lehmann J, Czimczik C, Laird D, and Sohi S 2009 Stability of biochar in soil. In: Lehmann J and Joseph S (eds.) Biochar for Environmental Management: Science and Technology. Earthscan Publ., London, pp. 183-205 |
Major J, Steiner C, Downie A and Lehmann J 2009 Biochar effects on nutrient leaching. In: Lehmann J and Joseph S (eds.) Biochar for Environmental Management: Science and Technology. Earthscan Publ., London, pp. 271-287 |
Swami SN, Steiner C, Teixeira WG and Lehmann J 2009 Charcoal making in the Brazilian Amazon: economic aspects of production and carbon conversion efficiencies of kilns. In: Woods WI, Teixeira WG, Lehmann J, Steiner C, WinklerPrins A and Rebellato L (Eds.) Amazonian Dark Earths: Wim Sombroek’s Vision, Springer, Berlin, pp 411-422. |
Krull E, Lehmann J, Skjemstad J, Baldock J and Spouncer L 2008 The global extent of black C in soils: is it everywhere? In: Hans G. Schröder (ed.) Grasslands: Ecology, Management and Restoration. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., ISBN 978-1-60692-023-7, pp 13-17. |
Lehmann J and Rondon M 2006 Bio-char soil management on highly weathered soils in the humid tropics. In Uphoff N et al. (ed.) Biological Approaches to Sustainable Soil Systems. CRC Press, Boca Raton , FL. pp.517-530. |
Lehmann J, Campos CV, Macedo JLV and German L 2004 Sequential fractionation and sources of P in Amazonian Dark Earths. In: Glaser B and Woods WI (eds.) Amazonian Dark Earths: Explorations in Time and Space, Springer, Berlin, Germany. pp. 113-123. |
Steiner C, Teixeira WG, Lehmann J and Zech W 2004 Microbial response to charcoal amendments of highly weathered soils and Amazonian Dark Earths in Central Amazonia preliminary results. In: Glaser B and Woods WI (eds.) Amazonian Dark Earths: Explorations in Time and Space, Springer, Berlin, Germany. pp. 195-212. |
Falcao NPS, Comerford NB and Lehmann J A 2003 Determining nutrient bioavailability of Amazonian Dark Earth soils methodological challenges. In: Lehmann J, Kern DC, Glaser B and Woods WI (eds.) Amazonian Dark Earths: Origin, Properties, Management. Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands. pp. 255-270. |
Lehmann J, Kern DC, German LA, McCann J, Martins GC and Moreira A 2003 Soil Fertility and Production Potential. In: Lehmann J, Kern DC, Glaser B and Woods WI (eds.) Amazonian Dark Earths: Origin, Properties, Management. Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands. pp. 105-124. |
Lehmann J and Schroth G 2003 Nutrient leaching. In: Schroth G and Sinclair FL (eds.) Trees, Crops and Soil fertility - Concepts and Research methods. CAB International, Wallingford, UK. pp. 151-166. |
Schroth G and Lehmann J 2003 Nutrient capture. In: Schroth G and Sinclair FL (eds.) Trees, Crops and Soil fertility - Concepts and Research methods. CAB International, Wallingford, UK. pp. 167-179. |
Schroth G, Lehmann J and Barrios E 2003 Soil nutrient availability and acidity. In: Schroth G and Sinclair FL (eds.) Trees, Crops and Soil fertility - Concepts and Research methods. CAB International, Wallingford, UK. pp. 93-130. |
Schroth G, Vanlauwe B and Lehmann J 2003 Soil organic matter. In: Schroth G and Sinclair FL (eds.) Trees, Crops and Soil fertility - Concepts and Research methods. CAB International, Wallingford, UK. pp. 77-91. |
Sombroek W, Ruivo ML, Fearnside PM, Glaser B and Lehmann J 2003 Amazonian Dark Earths as carbon stores and sinks. In: Lehmann J, Kern DC, Glaser B and Woods WI (eds.) Amazonian Dark Earths: Origin, Properties, Management. Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands. pp. 125-139. |
Lehmann J 2002 Nutrient flux control by trees for improving soil fertility in tropical agroforestry. In: M.V. Reddy (ed.) Management of Tropical Plantation-Forests and Their Soil-Litter System. Chapter 14. Science Publishers Inc., Enfield, New Hampshire, USA. pp 351-377. |
Edited and Authored Books; Special Issues |
Lehmann J and Joseph S 2015 Biochar for Environmental Management: Science, Technology and Implementation. Routledge, London, 928p
Scholz SM, Sembres T, Roberts K, Whitman T, Wilson K and Lehmann J 2014 Biochar Systems for Smallholders in Developing Countries. The World Bank, No. 88888, Washingotn DC
Lehmann J and Joseph S 2009 Biochar for Environmental Management: Science and Technology. Earthscan Ltd, London, UK, 404p |
Woods WI, Teixeira WG, Lehmann J, Steiner C, WinklerPrins A and Rebellato L 2009 Amazonian Dark Earths: Wim Sombroek’s Vision, Springer, Berlin, 502p |
Neill C, Elsenbeer H, Krusche AV, Lehmann J, Markewitz D and Figueiredo RO 2006 Hydrological and biogeochemical processes in a changing Amazon: Results from small watershed studies and the large scale biosphere-atmosphere experiment. Hydrological Processes, Volume 20, Issue 12. |
Lehmann J, Kern DC, Glaser B and Woods WI 2003 Amazonian Dark Earths: Origin, Properties, Management. Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, 523p. |
Book Reviews |
Lehmann J 2004 Soil Fertility Decline in the Tropics with Case Studies on Plantations, by Alfred Hartemink. The Quarterly Review of Biology 79: 313-314.
Scholz SM, Sembres T, Roberts K, Whitman T, Wilson K and Lehman J 2014 Biochar Systems for Smallholders in Developing Countries: Leveraging Current Knowledge and Exploring Future Potential for Climate-Smart Agriculture.World Bank Studies. Washington, DC: World Bank. doi:10.1596/978-0-8213-9525-7. License: Creative Commons Attribution
GAO Report 2011
CCAR Report Terra Global 2010
Articles in Popular and Science Press |
Lehmann J 2007 Biochar for mitigating climate change: carbon sequestration in the black. Forum Geooekologie 18 (2), 15-17. |
Lehmann J 2007 Environmentally friendly bioenergy. Scitizen, Paper No.709, 21 June 2007 |
Conference Proceedings |
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Conference Abstracts and Presentations |
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